Stok Coffee Beverage, Lighter Roast, Un Sweet Black, Bright & Mellow, Cold Brew 48 fl oz

Wake-up call: lighter roasts mean complex flavor. SToK Bright & Mellow Cold Brew Coffee is a unique light roast cold brew that’s refreshing. Think vibrant. Bright. Full of character. Mellow? Yes. Boring? Never. The Bright & Mellow Arabica beans mellow out and open up, so you get a vivid cold brew coffee, served black and unsweetened. At SToK, we brew our cold brew for at least 10 hours for a bold, one-of-a-kind flavor that’s never bitter. Every batch of cold brew coffee uses a higher ratio of Rainforest Alliance Certified, Arabica-based coffee beans to water than hot brewed coffee, yielding a smooth and flavorful coffee. Looking for the best brew to suit the mood? Check out all the SToK cold brew coffee flavors for the perfect fit, with Bright & Mellow as our lightest roast and Espresso Blend as our darkest. Wake up your passions with a SToK cold coffee drink you can enjoy throughout the day.